Rajasthan Rajputs
Rajasthan Rajputs
Rajasthan, is better known as the Land of Rajputs. The gallantry, valor that they had shown in the royal past is quite commendable.For those who loves the rustic desert sand, magnificent red palaces and the courageous stories about Rajput will surely adore Rajasthan.
History of Rajputs
The exotic land had kings who were Rajputs, part of the Kshatriya clan of warriors, who had once held much of Hindustan under them . On there way they built themselves magnificent citadels to their power called Rajasthan, The land of the rulers. Deeply religious, the people built, beside their fortifications and their palaces, magnificent temples, elaborate wells, handsome mansions, and memorials to their dead.According to legends, the Rajputs rose to popularity in the 9th and 10th centuries, and were a major force to reckon with in medieval India. Passionately attached to their land, family and honor, for Rajputs treated war like a sport, and followed a strong chivalric code of conduct. Myths and legends of their valor, gallantry, sacrifice and courage are well known . The number of heroes among the Rajputs is quiet high and amongst them Prithviraj Chauhan, is a famous ruler who fought successfully against the invader Muhammad Ghori in the battle of Tarain in 1191. Rajputs are generally well built people of good height. Rajputs generally worshiped the Sun, Shiva, and Vishnu as there god. Vedic religion is still followed by the Rajputs
RAJPUT , race of INDIA
INDIA, FRENCHI ndia, not confined to RAJPUTANARajputana, but spread over the N. of the
COUNTRY (from the Mid. Eng. contre or contrie, and O. Fr. cuntree; Late Lat. contrata, showing the derivation from contra, opposite, over against, thus the tract of land which fronts the sight, cf. Ger. Gegend, neighbourhood) country . According to the CENSUS (from Lat. censere, to estimate or assess; connected by some with centum, i.e. a count by hundreds) census of 1901 there were 9,712,156 Rajputs in all India, of whom only 620,229 lived in Rajputana . The
GREAT great MAJORITY (Fr. majorite; Med. Lat. majoritas; Lat. major, greater) majorityadhere to the HINDU Hindu RELIGION
RELIGION, FOLKLORE, CUSTOM religion, but 1,875,387 are entered as Mahommedans . The Rajputs FORM (Lat. forma) form the fighting, landowning and ruling CASTE (through the Fr. from Span. and Port. casta, lineage, Lat. cast us, pure) caste . They claim to be the modern representatives of the Kshatriyas of
ANCIENT (also spelt ANTIENT; derived, through the Fr. ancien, old, from the late Lat. antianum, from ante, before) ancienttradition; but their
EARLY, JUBAL ANDERSON (1816-1894)early history is obscure, and RESEARCH (O. Fr. recerche, from recercher, re- and cercer, mod. chercher, to search; Late Lat. circare, to go round in a circle, to explore) researchsupports the view that they include descendants of more than one wave of immigrant invaders . Linguistic
EVIDENCE (Lat. evidentia, evideri, to appear clearly) evidence supports tradition in proving that their unity was broken up by the
conquest, for the inhabitants of the Himalayan valleys still speak a
LANGUAGE (adapted from the Fr. langage, from langue, tongue, Lat. lingua) languageakin to those of Rajputana proper, though separated from them by the wide Gangetic valley . The Rajputs are
fine, brave men, and retain the feudal
instinct strongly
developed .
PRIDE, THOMAS (d. 1658) Pride of
blood is their
CHIEF (from Fr. chef, head, Lat. caput) chiefcharacteristic, and they are most punctilious on all points of
etiquette . The tradition of
common ancestry permits a poor Rajput
yeoman to consider himself as well BORN, IGNAZ, EDLER VON (1742–1791) born as any powerful landholder of his
CLAN (Gaelic clann, O. Ir. cland, connected with Lat. planta, shoot or scion, the ancient Gaelic or Goidelic substituting k for p) , and
superior to any high
OFFICIAL (Late Lat. QJicialis, for class. Lat. apparitor, from officium, office, duty) of the professional classes . No race in India can boast of finer feats of arms or brighter deeds of CHIVALRY (O. Fr. chevalerie, from Late Lat. caballerius), and they form one of the MAIN (from the Aryan root which appears in " may " and " might," and Lat. magnus, great)
MAIN (Lat. Moenus) recruiting FIELDS, JAMES THOMAS (1817-1881) for the Indian
ARMY (from Fr. armee, Lat. armata) of to-DAY (O. Eng. dreg, Ger. Tag; according to the New English Dictionary, " in no way related to the Lat. dies")
DAY, JOHN (1574-1640?)
DAY, THOMAS (1748-1789) . They consider any occupation other than that of arms or GOVERNMENT
GOVERNMENT (0. Fr. governement, mod. gouvernement, O. Fr. governer, mod. gouverner, from Lat. gubernare, to steer a ship, guide, rule; cf. Gr. xv(3epvav)government derogatory to their dignity, and consequently during the
LONG, GEORGE (1800-1879)
LONG, JOHN DAVIS (1838– )long
PERIOD (Gr. irepioSos, a going or way round, circuit, aepi, round, and &Sis, way, road)period of PEACE
PEACE, BREACH OF THE peace which has followed the ESTABLISHMENT (0. Fr. establissement, Fr. etablissement, late Norm. Fr. establishement, from O. Fr. establir, Fr. etablir, Lat. stabilire, to make stable)establishment of the British
rule in India they have been content to stay idle at HOME
HOME, EARLS OF home instead of taking up any of the other professions in which they might have come to the front . Those who are not zamindars have, therefore, rather dropped behind in the modern struggle for existence .
As cultivators they are lazy and indifferent, and they prefer
PASTORAL (from Lat. pastor, a shepherd)pastoral to agricultural pursuits . Looking upon all
manual labour as humiliating, none but the poorest class of Rajput will himself hold the plough . Is Within the limits of Rajputana the Rajputs form a vast
body of kindred, and any Rajput can marry any Rajput woman who does not belong to his own clan . The most numerous of the clans is the Rahtor, to which the chiefs of Marwar,
Bikanir and Kishangarh belong . Its strength in roof was 122,160 . Next comes the Kachwaha clan, which is strong in
Jaipur and
Alwar, both chiefs belonging to its members . It
NUMBERS, PARTITION OF 100,186 . The Chauhan follows with an aggregate of 86,460, among whom are the chiefs of Bundi,Kotah and
Sirohi . The Jadu or Jadon, which includes in its ranks the chiefs of Karauli and Jaisalmer, numbers 94,666 . The Sisodhyias, who include the ancient and illustrious
HOUSE (O. Eng. hiss, a word common to Teutonic languages, cf. Dut. huis, Ger. Haus; in Gothic it is only found in gudhiss, a temple; it may be ultimately connected with the root of " hide," conceal) house of
UDAIPUR, OODEYPORE, number 51,366 . The Ponwar clan, to which VIKRAMADITYA, the celebrated KING
KING (O. Eng. cyning, abbreviated into cyng, cing; cf. O. H. G. chun- kuning, chun- kunig, M.H.G. kiinic, kiinec, kiinc, Mod. Ger. Konig, O. Norse konungr, kongr, Swed. konung, kung)
KING, CLARENCE (1842–1901)
KING, EDWARD (1612–1637)
KING, EDWARD (1829–1910)
KING, HENRY (1591-1669)
KING, RUFUS (1755–1827)
KING, THOMAS (1730–1805)
KING, WILLIAM (1650-1729)
KING, WILLIAM (1663–1712)king of
Ujjain, from whom the Hindu Era is named, is said to have belonged, numbers 43,435• The Solanki and Parihar clans, once powerful, are now only 18,949 and 9448 respectively .
INDIA, FRENCHI ndia, not confined to RAJPUTANARajputana, but spread over the N. of the
COUNTRY (from the Mid. Eng. contre or contrie, and O. Fr. cuntree; Late Lat. contrata, showing the derivation from contra, opposite, over against, thus the tract of land which fronts the sight, cf. Ger. Gegend, neighbourhood) country . According to the CENSUS (from Lat. censere, to estimate or assess; connected by some with centum, i.e. a count by hundreds) census of 1901 there were 9,712,156 Rajputs in all India, of whom only 620,229 lived in Rajputana . The
GREAT great MAJORITY (Fr. majorite; Med. Lat. majoritas; Lat. major, greater) majorityadhere to the HINDU Hindu RELIGION
RELIGION, FOLKLORE, CUSTOM religion, but 1,875,387 are entered as Mahommedans . The Rajputs FORM (Lat. forma) form the fighting, landowning and ruling CASTE (through the Fr. from Span. and Port. casta, lineage, Lat. cast us, pure) caste . They claim to be the modern representatives of the Kshatriyas of
ANCIENT (also spelt ANTIENT; derived, through the Fr. ancien, old, from the late Lat. antianum, from ante, before) ancienttradition; but their
EARLY, JUBAL ANDERSON (1816-1894)early history is obscure, and RESEARCH (O. Fr. recerche, from recercher, re- and cercer, mod. chercher, to search; Late Lat. circare, to go round in a circle, to explore) researchsupports the view that they include descendants of more than one wave of immigrant invaders . Linguistic
EVIDENCE (Lat. evidentia, evideri, to appear clearly) evidence supports tradition in proving that their unity was broken up by the
conquest, for the inhabitants of the Himalayan valleys still speak a
LANGUAGE (adapted from the Fr. langage, from langue, tongue, Lat. lingua) languageakin to those of Rajputana proper, though separated from them by the wide Gangetic valley . The Rajputs are
fine, brave men, and retain the feudal
instinct strongly
developed .
PRIDE, THOMAS (d. 1658) Pride of
blood is their
CHIEF (from Fr. chef, head, Lat. caput) chiefcharacteristic, and they are most punctilious on all points of
etiquette . The tradition of
common ancestry permits a poor Rajput
yeoman to consider himself as well BORN, IGNAZ, EDLER VON (1742–1791) born as any powerful landholder of his
CLAN (Gaelic clann, O. Ir. cland, connected with Lat. planta, shoot or scion, the ancient Gaelic or Goidelic substituting k for p) , and
superior to any high
OFFICIAL (Late Lat. QJicialis, for class. Lat. apparitor, from officium, office, duty) of the professional classes . No race in India can boast of finer feats of arms or brighter deeds of CHIVALRY (O. Fr. chevalerie, from Late Lat. caballerius), and they form one of the MAIN (from the Aryan root which appears in " may " and " might," and Lat. magnus, great)
MAIN (Lat. Moenus) recruiting FIELDS, JAMES THOMAS (1817-1881) for the Indian
ARMY (from Fr. armee, Lat. armata) of to-DAY (O. Eng. dreg, Ger. Tag; according to the New English Dictionary, " in no way related to the Lat. dies")
DAY, JOHN (1574-1640?)
DAY, THOMAS (1748-1789) . They consider any occupation other than that of arms or GOVERNMENT
GOVERNMENT (0. Fr. governement, mod. gouvernement, O. Fr. governer, mod. gouverner, from Lat. gubernare, to steer a ship, guide, rule; cf. Gr. xv(3epvav)government derogatory to their dignity, and consequently during the
LONG, GEORGE (1800-1879)
LONG, JOHN DAVIS (1838– )long
PERIOD (Gr. irepioSos, a going or way round, circuit, aepi, round, and &Sis, way, road)period of PEACE
PEACE, BREACH OF THE peace which has followed the ESTABLISHMENT (0. Fr. establissement, Fr. etablissement, late Norm. Fr. establishement, from O. Fr. establir, Fr. etablir, Lat. stabilire, to make stable)establishment of the British
rule in India they have been content to stay idle at HOME
HOME, EARLS OF home instead of taking up any of the other professions in which they might have come to the front . Those who are not zamindars have, therefore, rather dropped behind in the modern struggle for existence .
As cultivators they are lazy and indifferent, and they prefer
PASTORAL (from Lat. pastor, a shepherd)pastoral to agricultural pursuits . Looking upon all
manual labour as humiliating, none but the poorest class of Rajput will himself hold the plough . Is Within the limits of Rajputana the Rajputs form a vast
body of kindred, and any Rajput can marry any Rajput woman who does not belong to his own clan . The most numerous of the clans is the Rahtor, to which the chiefs of Marwar,
Bikanir and Kishangarh belong . Its strength in roof was 122,160 . Next comes the Kachwaha clan, which is strong in
Jaipur and
Alwar, both chiefs belonging to its members . It
NUMBERS, PARTITION OF 100,186 . The Chauhan follows with an aggregate of 86,460, among whom are the chiefs of Bundi,Kotah and
Sirohi . The Jadu or Jadon, which includes in its ranks the chiefs of Karauli and Jaisalmer, numbers 94,666 . The Sisodhyias, who include the ancient and illustrious
HOUSE (O. Eng. hiss, a word common to Teutonic languages, cf. Dut. huis, Ger. Haus; in Gothic it is only found in gudhiss, a temple; it may be ultimately connected with the root of " hide," conceal) house of
UDAIPUR, OODEYPORE, number 51,366 . The Ponwar clan, to which VIKRAMADITYA, the celebrated KING
KING (O. Eng. cyning, abbreviated into cyng, cing; cf. O. H. G. chun- kuning, chun- kunig, M.H.G. kiinic, kiinec, kiinc, Mod. Ger. Konig, O. Norse konungr, kongr, Swed. konung, kung)
KING, CLARENCE (1842–1901)
KING, EDWARD (1612–1637)
KING, EDWARD (1829–1910)
KING, HENRY (1591-1669)
KING, RUFUS (1755–1827)
KING, THOMAS (1730–1805)
KING, WILLIAM (1650-1729)
KING, WILLIAM (1663–1712)king of
Ujjain, from whom the Hindu Era is named, is said to have belonged, numbers 43,435• The Solanki and Parihar clans, once powerful, are now only 18,949 and 9448 respectively .
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